Simon Munnery ('One of the funniest and most original comedians of the past twenty years' Guardian)

'One of the funniest and most original comedians of the past twenty years' says The Guardian, and we can't argue.

Simon Munnery, awardwinning cult comedian, was first spotted by Amused Moose Comedy when he was a member of Cambridge Footlights in his original 'janitor' character. 

Simon went on to win the prestigious Perrier award, and is widely respected across the comedy world for his absurdist humour and innovative projects including La Concepta, a fictitious restaurant without food but with Simon as the maitre de.

Our favourite photo of Simon has him with a bucket on his head (the show was called Buckethead, and was very very funny), but we decided that might confuse Saturday audiences if we used it as his main image on our website!


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